Sunday, 30 December 2012



As we enter 2013, a quick look back at the Knights of Columbus in 2012 shows a year of faith and one full of examples of Knights practicing a "charity that evangelizes."

I would like to thank you all of you for your dedication to your fraternity, your church and your community.

Together we have helped many individuals and organizations with acts of kindness, generosity and financial contributions. Charity is the hallmark of the Knights Of Columbus , along with good citizenship and Christianity. In each of these settings, we are called upon to perform acts of charity in different ways. Sometimes we are asked to donate money or thoughts, prayers or acts of kindness.  At other times we are asked to donate time.

Brother Knights we must all try in the new year to recruit more Catholic men who are interested in supporting the work of the Knights of Columbus by volunteering for a good cause, where great friendships can be developed while supporting the good work of your Council.

I wish everyone all the best in the New Year.

Peter Whittle
Grand Knight