Wednesday, 7 November 2018


Journeying with St. Luke (with Dr. Gerard Whitty, D.Min.)

Starting in Advent we will be proclaiming Luke’s Gospel every Sunday throughout the liturgical year, in Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time. We invite you to come together and take a journey with Luke as he paints a picture of Jesus for his context and culture. Using various dynamics we will explore what Luke underlines as important facets of Jesus’ life and ministry like the importance of contemplative prayer, of being a welcoming community, the role of women in his ministry, the meals Jesus shared, the importance of forgiveness and many more. Our first meeting will be in the Conference Room at the Basilica on Thursday, November 29th at 7:00 pm. We ask you to use the parking lot behind the Basilica which is accessible through the arch or behind St. Bon’s. From there we can enter the Basilica through the parish room and proceed upstairs to the conference room. Please call the parish office (754-2170) to register.​​​​​​