“Youth Perspective on Climate Change”
It’s open to all students in NL in grades 8 - 12. Prizes will be offered as shown in three categories.
Grades 8-9 One prize of $50.00 For best essay
Grades 10 - 11 One prize $100.00 For best essay
Grade 12 One prize $150.00 For best essay
The application form shows the return address of Bro. John Thoms in Bishops Falls.This is done since some entrants may not be aware of their local council but still have the application. Bro. John will filter the entries. Councils can feel free to add their own return address to save time if they wish to do so. April 1st is the cut off date.
If more than one person in the same Council in the same category submits an application the local Council will judge and select the best essay (Most points) to be passed to the next level.
Any questions please contact the State Youth Director Bro. John Thoms. 709-258-5291